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Category Archives: Finding Mr. Darcy: High School Edition


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Drum roll please…


Book news!!

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Yesterday there was a deal announcement in Publisher’s Marketplace about…me! I sold what I lovingly refer to as “my Jane Austen book” to Swoon Romance. And you guys, I’m so excited about this. I’m such a Jane Austen fangirl and to know that there are others out there like me that I can share my fangirliness with is AWESOME! You will be seeing FINDING MR. DARCY: HIGH SCHOOL EDITION in the Summer of 2014!


I wrote my Jane Austen book after I completed and edited BLOOD HEX maybe a half dozen times. (We all know that I probably edited BLOOD HEX at least a dozen more times, but I digress.) So, my Jane Austen book is in actuality the second book I ever wrote and completed. Completed is an important word because I probably have six unfinished novels sitting on my laptop hard drive right now. But let’s gloss over that one, shall we?

I remember thinking that my idea for the story was so good! Golden, even! It was a story I would love to read and I had fun writing it. Basically, it’s about this die hard Jane Austen fan, Eliza, who turns to Austen’s novels to give her relationship advice. As you can imagine, some of this advice is outdated and mostly ends up screwing everything up for Eliza. FINDING MR. DARCY is a humorous love story and I can’t wait to get started on edits, see the cover Swoon Romance comes up with (!!!!), and then finally share it with everyone.

I’ve heard nothing but positive things so far about my concept. It seems there are a lot of Mr. Darcy fans just like me!! So, in honor of my book deal, here’s some Colin Firth eye candy for you:

Mr. Darcy

